Elastic Stack 7.0.0-rc2 Released

  • 7.0 is coming. And with the release of 7.0.0-rc2 today, we are one step closer to it. Say heya to 7.0.0-rc2. Like the first release candidate, rc2 builds on the work done in the [alpha1](/blog/elastic-stack-7-0-0-alpha1-released), [alpha2](/blog/elastic-stack-7-0-0-alpha2-released), and [beta 1](/blog/elastic-stack-7-0-0-beta1-released) versions, and adds more polish and bug fixes across the stack. Here's a quick recap of all the features going into 7.0: - Improved [cluster coordination](/blog/a-new-era-for-cluster-coordination-in-elasticsearch) for stronger resiliency - [Faster queries for top k hits](https://www.elastic.co/blog/faster-retrieval-of-top-hits-in-elasticsearch-with-block-max-wand) - [Interval queries][1] - the next-gen span query for legal and patent search - [Script score query][2] - a.k.a. function score 2.0 - [Geotile grid aggregations][3] for smoother zoom on maps - [Nanosecond precision support][4] - Brand new design and navigation in Kibana (including a pervasive dark mode) - And so much more … ### Try it out on Elasticsearch Service What's the easiest way to try out rc2? Spin up a deployment on our [Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud](/cloud/elasticsearch-service) — the official hosted Elasticsearch and Kibana solution from the creators of the Elastic Stack. It's also the only managed Elasticsearch solution to offer preview releases of 7.0. Log in (or sign up for a free trial), create a cluster with a few clicks, and you are good to go. And if you prefer to run it on your own infrastructure, you can always [download the stack](/downloads). Before you get too excited, keep in mind that this is still a release candidate, so don’t put it into production. There is no guarantee that any of the 7.0.0 preview releases will be compatible with other preview releases, or the 7.0.0 GA. ### 7.0 Pioneer Program is still on As with earlier preview releases, the [7.0 pioneer program](/blog/elastic-pioneer-program-7-0) continues with this release. Our gratitude to everyone in the Elastic community who took the time to try out early versions and give us feedback to get 7.0 ready for prime time. The Pioneer Program continues through the release candidate period, and we welcome further inputs. Try it out, give feedback, and become an Elastic pioneer for a chance to win some limited edition Elastic swag. ### Get It Now! Deploy a cluster on our [Elasticsearch Service](https://www.elastic.co/cloud/elasticsearch-service/signup) or [download the stack](/downloads) to take these latest features for a spin. [1]: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.0/query-dsl-intervals-query.html [2]: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.0/query-dsl-script-score-query.html [3]: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.0/search-aggregations-bucket-geotilegrid-aggregation.html [4]: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.0/date_nanos.html


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