Elasticsearch 6.7.0 released

  • We are pleased to announce the release of Elasticsearch 6.7.0, based on Lucene 7.7.0. This is the latest stable release, and is already available for deployment via our Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud.

    Latest stable release in 6.x:

    You can read about all the changes in the release notes linked above, but here are our highlight:

    If it’s a 3-letter acronym in Elasticsearch, odds are it’s now Generally Available (GA) in 6.7!

    CCR (Cross Cluster Replication) is now GA!

    We introduced Cross Cluster Replication (CCR) as a beta feature in Elasticsearch 6.5. CCR was one of the most heavily requested features for Elasticsearch. We’re excited to announce CCR is now generally available and ready for production use in Elasticsearch 6.7! CCR has a variety of use cases, including cross-datacenter and cross-region replication, replicating data to get closer to the application server and user, and maintaining a centralized reporting cluster replicated from a large number of smaller clusters.

    In addition to maturing to a GA feature, there were a number of important technical advancements in CCR for 6.7. Previous versions of CCR required replication to start on new indices only: existing indices could not be replicated. CCR can now start replicating existing indices that have soft deletes enabled in 6.7. We introduced new technology to prevent a follower index from falling fatally far behind its leader index. We’ve added a management UI in Kibana for configuring remote clusters, indices to replicate, and index naming patterns for automatic replication (e.g. for replicating metricbeat-* indices). We’ve also added a monitoring UI for insight into CCR progress and alerting on errors. Check out the Getting started with cross cluster replication guide, or visit the reference documentation to learn more. Cross cluster replication is a platinum level feature, and is available through a 30-day trial license that can be activated either via an API or within Kibana.


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