Elastic Advent Calendar 2018, Week 3

  • We are in the final stretch for the 2018 version of the Elastic Advent Calendar! This is the last weekly wrap up, the next one will be a recap of the full 25 days.

    This week we have some great insights into APM. SQL for Elasticsearch, and multiple handy Beats applications.

    Let's dive into Week 3

    Dec 15: [EN][APM] Overhead of the Java agent by Felix Barnsteiner

    In this little blog post, I want to give insight into how much the [java] agent affects the performance of your applications and which configuration settings affect the performance.

    Dec 16: [DE][Elasticsearch] Zusammengesetzte Worte in Elasticsearch by Philipp Krenn

    German, Finnish, Korean and the Scandinavian languages have the characteristic impractical for full-text search that they form compounds, ie combine several words into one. This leads to problems, for example, if you have saved the word "full-text search" and would like to find it by just searching for "search". But how can this request still be implemented?

    Dec 17: [FR][Elastic Stack] Indexer facilement les slow logs d’Elasticsearch avec Filebeat by Lionel Palacin

    Pour détecter les requêtes les plus lentes, Elasticsearch fournit une fonctionnalité appelée Slow logs. Cette fonctionnalité permet d'écrire dans les fichiers de logs les requêtes de recherche ou d'indexation dont le temps d'execution est supérieur à un seuil défini par l'administrateur du cluster Elasticsearch.

    Dec 18: [EN][Elastic Stack] Set up for success - don’t repeat yourself! by Ken Macinnis

    Do you find yourself re-using the same index settings and mappings frequently? Do those mappings have lots of fields with repetitive naming conventions?

    If so, fear not! You aren't alone, and there's relief at hand. Let's talk about Dynamic Templates and Index Templates.

    Dec 19th: [EN][Heartbeat] Configure a TLS expiration notification using Heartbeat by Dov Hershkovitch

    In this blog I would like to cover one of the new features we’ve added to Heartbeat, TLS information. Starting from 6.5, Heartbeat, will retrieve TLS information from the end point it is checking.

    Dec 20th: [EN][Python/Elasticsearch] Python DSL for Elasticsearch by Honza Krai

    In the previous post we learned about elasticsearch-dsl and created an index in Elasticsearch to store all of our git history, now it's time to load in the data and see what we can do with it.

    Dec 21th: [EN][Elasticsearch] Using SQL to query data in Elasticsearch by Arvaind Putrevu

    Querying data using Structured Querying Language (SQL) has been introduced in Elasticsearch 6.3 as a plugin. One can write SQL queries on the data stored in any Elasticsearch Index.

    Not long now

    Only 4 more posts of handy howto's and tips from the engineers behind the projects, and that'll be our 2018 series over! Make sure you subscribe to the Advent category on our forums for the latest posts, and follow @elastic for tweets when new posts are published.


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