Accelerate Your Oracle and MongoDB Databases with MAX Data

  • Where We Left Off

    In October, we announced our new server-side application software, MAX Data, that revolutionizes how we will use memory in servers.


    MAX Data does this how? MAX Data is software that runs on the application server and provides a file system that spans the PMEM and the storage tier. Applications stored on this filesystem get instant access to the data for both reads and writes. With MAX Data, you get vastly improved application performance with high throughput and ultra-low latency.


    A new evolution of flash storage and a new class of memory is promising to change how applications access data, and NetApp MAX Data will enable and accelerate adoption of this exciting new technology.


    This is critical because real time data requirements are increasing the load on applications and associated infrastructure. Our customers want to get the most out of their data; Response times and low latency are key attributes for an agile enterprise and the volume of data collected by organizations is growing exponentially.

    Accelerate Your Business

    With this huge explosion of data, companies are struggling to meet expectations across all application tiers due to slow, unpredictable data access impacting their customers, their IT staff, and their business.  Upgrading to flash solve many performance challenges, but there are still customers looking to save tens to hundreds of microseconds especially when the gain is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars per microsecond (like in trading or retail solutions). Other vendors offer flash performance, but in silos, often without integrated data management, protection, efficiency and availability. While some improvements are noted, IT staff still wants and needs to bring their applications to the next level of performance and quality of service while reducing costs.


    Our early results show that you can get 60% more IOPS with four times less latency for your Oracle workloads. Another way to look at this would be to consider getting the same throughput using 40% fewer servers while still seeing four times lower latency. Your applications will also gain data persistency and enterprise-grade data services, making this a completely viable solution to enterprise applications.


    The graph below shows IOPS (x-axis) vs latency (y-axis) for server running with/without MAX Data connected via FCP to a NetApp AFF A800, our highest performing system. You can see that the server running without MAX Data generated over 300k IOPS @ 200us latency while the server WITH MAX Data generated OVER 500k IOPS @ 50us latency.


    The graphic below shows the power of MAX Data running in a MongoDB environment. This test shows results using a workload generator to query 7,000 documents 10,000 times in a MongoDB database. Each time, the query was randomly reading from a different range of 7,000 documents. This example can be viewed as mimicking a website like Reddit, where one subject can have thousands of threads and threads can have hundreds of comments. The result: MongoDB queries are completed three to ELEVEN times FASTER!

    More Use Cases

    We’ve tested and shared our most recent Oracle and MongoDB results. In addition, Storage Review has completed a comprehensive review of testing done using an AFF A300, and you can read the full report here.


    Moving forward, we are excited to continue to test more workloads and configurations, including Intel Optane. I can’t wait to share more as we add new capabilities to this evolutionary product.

    The post Accelerate Your Oracle and MongoDB Databases with MAX Data appeared first on NetApp Blog.

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