Tracking Progress with ONTAP Select Software-Defined Storage

  • On the Rugged Road to Las Vegas and Beyond…


    We just completed a very successful 2018 Customer and Partner Event at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, where we were had a huge number of technical and business conversations with the 5,000+ attendees.


    As you know, NetApp is a data-driven company that is helping customers change the world with data across the edge, the core and cloud with a data-fabric approach that is not only resonating with our customers, but is being used to solve key problems across a broad range of industries and workloads in organizations around the world.


    As part of that hybrid cloud approach, we have a very well suited solution for edge and extreme edge data management based on our ONTAP Select SDS, which is the same ONTAP that we have been offering for decades but which is available in virtualized, software-defined package that can be used in commodity hardware, including in ruggedized, purpose built systems such as the one you see here which is smaller than a six pack of soda, but is shock and heat/cold resistant and can be used in harsh, mobile  environments to collect and process data (over 200TB of raw data to boot).


    To illustrate this point, this mobile data center made its way to the show in Vegas in an SUV, being driven virtually the length of California and across the Mojave desert to the Mandalay Bay Resort on the strip in Las Vegas, Nevada. Enjoy the photos!


    Figure 1- Departing Sunnyvale- moving from the Core to the Edge (probably not to many clouds in the desert…) Figure 2- On the Road- 1000KM in a day Figure 4- Quick stop in desert country


    Figure 5- The train keeps on moving, Vegas in sight


    On the way to NetApp Insight On the Mainstage Keynote with Joel Reich and Octavian Tanase

    The bigger story beyond showing the versatility and data mobility ONTAP Select provides, is really about how its flexibility enables so many diverse use cases, many of which we discussed at the event and in ongoing conversations with customers about designing POCs. Some of the Use cases that were surfaced were:


    School safety, health care applications in rural India, autonomous vehicle research and development, small, remote office storage platforms, mobile kits collecting sensor datas on delivery trucks. These are just a few of the use cases being considered and implemented successfully with our proven solutions.


    Our partners are also key in offering validated solutions that are tested and supported to ensure seamless deployment on the platform that best meets your needs. Get more information about these partners solutions:

    To learn how you can take advantage of ONTAP Select for the types of use cases that will transform your way of doing business, try the 90-day free evaluation version of Select, and learn more about the solution and it’s benefits.


    P.S. And if you want to see our mobile ruggedized version of Select it will be featured at NetApp Insight 2018 in Barcelona, Spain.

    The post Tracking Progress with ONTAP Select Software-Defined Storage appeared first on NetApp Blog.

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