Find Partner Program Information in a Flash

  • hub:


    The effective center of an activity, region, or network.

    Synonyms: center, core, heart, focus, focal point, nucleus, polestar


    If you search for what it takes to create a successful channel partner program, you’ll almost always find strong recommendations around content and partner enablement. It is not enough to just provide content and tools on a platform; you must ensure that partners know what is available to them and how to find it—easily. A recent (2017) Gartner report stated that up to 70% of companies get a below average rating when it comes to partners knowing what materials are available and where and how to find them.


    In the spirit of embracing this opportunity, NetApp launched Partner Hub earlier this year. It is indeed your starting point for finding all the tools and resources you need to be successful with NetApp. This enhanced, persona-based partner UI platform on the Field Portal makes it easier for partners to find content based on role—marketing, sales, or technical. You are served up a “view” and content based on your persona and geographical location.


    And now you can continue to grow your business with easy access to all NetApp Unified Partner Program Information—in one place. The latest Partner Hub enhancement includes a Unified Partner Program tile on the home page. When you select this tile, you are automatically taken to a landing page that presents relevant program information based on your geography. You’ll find up-to-date program guides, information about incentives and promotions, and enablement resources front and center along with program resources:


    • Do you want to read about the latest program enhancements? Check out Program Updates.
    • Are you looking to update your Partner Connect profile? Find it under Partner Tools and Resources.
    • Do you need a sales closing tool, like a customer purchase incentive? It’s all there, under Incentives and Promotions.
    • Does a new employee need to be NetApp trained? Get comprehensive training and onboarding information when you go to the Partner Enablement section.

    Take advantage of the many tools and resources available to you through the NetApp® Unified Partner Program. They are easier than ever to find and use on Partner Hub. If you haven’t done so already, be sure to log in and verify your profile to ensure your customized experience.

    The post Find Partner Program Information in a Flash appeared first on NetApp Blog.

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