If You’re Not Going to NetApp Insight 2018, You’re Missing Out!

  • You don’t need to be a NetApp fan like me to go to NetApp Insight and get something out of it. No matter what your role is, if you’re at all interested in the cloud, storage, or learning about how to get the most out of your data, Insight is well worth your time and investment.


    When the opportunity came up for me to attend Insight for the first time last year, I knew I couldn’t pass it up. I was a systems engineer at the time, and while I was already a NetApp user, I was anxious to learn more about how NetApp connects all of the different infrastructure components in our environment—including cloud as well as on-premises—to make data available and accessible when we need it. With all the new opportunities around things like IoT, AI, and the like, companies large and small need to be able to efficiently move data to where it will provide the most value, and I wanted to learn how NetApp could help us do that.


    Of course, the focus of last year’s event was the Data Fabric. As a technical person, I’ll admit I was skeptical on how the Data Fabric really “worked.” It’s a great vision, but I needed to know just how all the different pieces fit together to make a viable product that would work in the real world. At Insight, I was able to see in person how the technical underpinnings of the Data Fabric make that seamless data mobility possible across cloud and on-premises infrastructure. Seeing it with my own eyes, in the general session keynotes, in the breakouts, and in conversations with NetApp experts and partners on the show floor, made the Data Fabric real, and that’s an experience I could have only gotten at Insight. Nobody else is doing what NetApp is doing with the Data Fabric, and you can really see just how unique and revolutionary it is when you see it for yourself.



    NetApp Insight also gave me the unique opportunity to talk with not just the NetApp experts behind all this technology, but the partners from around the world that are working with NetApp to implement these solutions with their customers every day. Whether you’re out in the convention center, in the hallways in between sessions, or at one of the many social events during the week, NetApp Insight gives you plenty of chances to talk shop. It’s a great opportunity to help you grow your understanding and comprehension of NetApp’s solutions while strengthening your network and your personal relationships. It doesn’t matter where in the stack you are, even in this interconnected world we live in, there’s no substitute for real face time.


    If you’re on the fence about Insight, I’d encourage you to take the plunge. You never know what you’ll learn, or who you’ll meet, no matter what your career or specialty is. Register today!

    The post If You’re Not Going to NetApp Insight 2018, You’re Missing Out! appeared first on NetApp Blog.


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