Use Vagrant and VirtualBox to setup Oracle Container Services for use with Kubernetes

  • Recently we announced the Oracle Vagrant boxes GitHub repository. Now you have a more streamlined way to create virtual machines with Oracle software fully configured and ready to go inside of them.

    With Oracle VM VirtualBox, Oracle Linux and Vagrant, you can easily build a consistent workflow to create disposable Linux environment whose configuration and dependencies are isolated from your development machine on every platform (Windows, MacOS or Linux).

    With just a few simple steps, download the vagrantfile from GitHub and you can quickly set up Oracle Container Services for use with Kubernetes.

    $ git clone $ cd vagrant-boxes/Kubernetes/ $ vagrant up master $ vagrant ssh master [vagrant@master ~]$ su root [root@master vagrant]# /vagrant/scripts/ $ vagrant up worker1 $ vagrant ssh worker1 [vagrant@worker1 ~]$ su root [root@worker1 vagrant]# /vagrant/scripts/ $ vagrant up worker2 $ vagrant ssh worker2 [vagrant@worker2 ~]$ su root [root@worker2 vagrant]# /vagrant/scripts/

    and your Kubernetes cluster is ready to use.

    [vagrant@master ~]$ kubectl cluster-info Kubernetes master is running at KubeDNS is running at To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'. [vagrant@master ~]$ kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION master.vagrant.vm Ready master 49m v1.9.1+2.0.2.el7 worker1.vagrant.vm Ready <none> 24m v1.9.1+2.0.2.el7 worker2.vagrant.vm Ready <none> 6m v1.9.1+2.0.2.el7

    To learn more, read the article in details.

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