builtin help popd

  • popd: popd [-n] [+N | -N]
        Remove directories from stack.
        Removes entries from the directory stack.  With no arguments, removes
        the top directory from the stack, and changes to the new top directory.
          -n        Suppresses the normal change of directory when removing
            directories from the stack, so only the stack is manipulated.
          +N        Removes the Nth entry counting from the left of the list
            shown by `dirs', starting with zero.  For example: `popd +0'
            removes the first directory, `popd +1' the second.
          -N        Removes the Nth entry counting from the right of the list
            shown by `dirs', starting with zero.  For example: `popd -0'
            removes the last directory, `popd -1' the next to last.
        The `dirs' builtin displays the directory stack.
        Exit Status:
        Returns success unless an invalid argument is supplied or the directory
        change fails.

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