How do i create a aws ecs cluster using aws fargate on the cli?

  • Find out more on AWS Fargate:

    This assumes you have your api keys setup already. It is the same keys used for aws cli.

    Create a cluster configuration.

    $ ecs-cli configure --cluster frontend --region us-east-1 --default-launch-type FARGATE --config-name fronend_config
    INFO[0000] Saved ECS CLI cluster configuration ec2_frontend_config.

    This tells ecs to use the region and launch type. This is stored under .ecs/config

    Start the ecs cluster.

    $ ecs-cli up
    INFO[0000] Created cluster                               cluster=ecscluster region=us-east-1
    INFO[0000] Waiting for your cluster resources to be created... 
    INFO[0000] Cloudformation stack status                   stackStatus=CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
    VPC created: vpc-x
    Subnet created: subnet-x
    Subnet created: subnet-x
    Cluster creation succeeded.

    After running ecs-cli up command, the cluster is created.

    List the ecs clusters.

    $ aws ecs list-clusters

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