9bind(1) 9mount, 9bind, 9umount - mount/unmount 9p filesystems

  • NAME
           9mount, 9bind, 9umount - mount/unmount 9p filesystems
           9mount  [  insuvx  ] [ -a SPEC ] [ -c CACHE ] [ -d DEBUG ] [ -m MSIZE ]
           DIAL MOUNTPT
           9bind OLD NEW
           9umount MOUNTPT
           9mount mounts a 9p filesystem served at DIAL on MOUNTPT.  MOUNTPT  must
           be  writable  by you and not sticky. DIAL is a dial string assuming one
           of the forms:
           where SOCKET is the name of a file representing a  socket,  HOST  is  a
           hostname,  PORT  is  a  port  number  or service name, and CHANNEL is a
           virtio channel name (currently ignored). - indicates that  9p  messages
           should be read/written on stdin/stdout.  9mount has several options:
           -i     mount the file system with your uid/gid
           -n     dry-run,  print mount command to stderr but don't actually mount
           -s     single attach mode - all users accessing the mount point see the
                  same filesystem (by default they'll each see a unique attach)
           -u     use the 9P2000.u extensions
           -v     use device mapping
           -x     exclusive access - other users cannot access the mount point
           -a SPEC
                  SPEC  determines which file tree to mount when attaching to file
                  servers that export multiple trees
           -c CACHE
                  turns on caching using CACHE mode. Currently  only  loose  cache
                  mode  is  available,  which  is suitable for exclusive read-only
           -d DEBUG
                  comma separated list of  channels  for  which  to  enable  debug
                  output.  Possible  channels  include: err, devel, 9p, vfs, conv,
                  mux, trans, alloc, fcall.
           -m MSIZE
                  specifies the maximum length of a single 9p message in bytes.
           9bind performs a bind mount, making the tree visible at  directory  OLD
           also visible at mount point NEW.
           9umount unmounts a 9p filesystem previously mounted by you.
           $USER  the uname to provide to the server.
           9mount -i 'unix!/tmp/ns.'$USER'.:0/factotum' $HOME/n/factotum
                  mount p9p's factotum interface
           9mount 'tcp!sources.cs.bell-labs.com' $HOME/n/sources
                  import plan 9's "sources"
           9mount -u -a/home/sqweek/mail 'tcp!wren!5640' $HOME/mail
                  import my maildir from my server(wren), being served by ufs
           9mount  -i 'tcp!wren' $HOME/n/wren; 9bind $HOME/n/wren/home/sqweek/mail
                  again importing my maildir, this time serving via u9fs
           9mount truncates user names  and  SPECs  to  249  characters.   9umount
           doesn't  know  this,  so  you won't be able to unmount anything outside
           your home directory. But you probably never bother logging out if  your
           user name is that long.
           9mount doesn't update /etc/mtab.
           9bind   only  does  a  "shallow",  non-recursive  bind  -  any  mounted
           filesystems under the OLD tree will not appear mounted in the NEW tree.
           If you 9bind a non-9p filesystem outside your home  directory,  9umount
           won't let you unmount it.
           [email protected]

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