How to on Sun Mx000 server XSCF firmware commands?

  • To run most of the commands here, you will need platadm privileges.

    To add a user, login to the XSCF with useradm privileges:

    XSCF> adduser user

    To verify use the showuser command

    To set a password for the currently logged in user:

    XSCF> password
    Please enter your password:

    or for another user

    XSCF> password unixbod
    Please enter your password:

    To set privileges for a user:

    The syntax is....

    XSCF> setprivileges user privileges

    for example, the following give unixbod user domainadm privileges on domains 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7

    XSCF> setprivileges unixbod domainadm@1-3, 5, 7

    To display the version of the firmware pack. Log in as platadm or fieldeng

    XSCF> version -c xcp

    To setup the DSCP network, log into the XSCF as platadm or fieldeng.

    The syntax is:

    XSCF> setdscp -y -i address -m netmask

    For example:

    XSCF> setdscp -y -i -m

    or you can just type, setdscp on its own.

    XSCF> setdscp
    DSCP network [] >
    DSCP netmask [] >
    XSCF address [] > [Enter]
    Domain #00 address [] > [Enter]
    Domain #01 address [] > [Enter]
    Domain #02 address [] > [Enter]
    Domain #03 address [] > [Enter]
    Domain #04 address [] > [Enter]
    Commit these changes to the database (y|n)? y

    To display dscp network configuration, log in to the XSCF console with platadm, platop, or fieldeng privileges, or domainadm, domainop, or domainmgr privileges for a specific domain.

    XSCF> showdscp
    DSCP Configuration:
    Location Address
    Domain #00
    Domain #01

    To setup the network settings for the XSCF network, the service processor must be restarted for the setting to become activated. Log in with platadm user

    The syntax is:

    XSCF> setnetwork interface [-m addr] address

    For example the following sets the network information for interface xscf#1-lan#0

    XSCF> setnetwork xscf#1-lan#0 -m

    To enable the interface

    The syntax is:

    XSCF> setnetwork -c [up|down] interface

    For example

    XSCF> setnetwork -c up xscf#1-lan#0

    To setup the network route:

    The syntax is:

    XSCF> setroute -c [add|del] -n address [-m address] [-g address] interface

    To apply the configuration to the XSCF network.

    XSCF> applynetwork


    XSCF> rebootxscf

    use shownetwork to verify settings, the syntax is:

    XSCF> shownetwork -a | interface

    To set the service processor hostname.

    The syntax is:
    XSCF> sethostname xscfu hostname

    Where the xscfu is xscf#0 or xscf#1

    To set the service processors DNS domain name

    The syntax is:

    XSCF> sethostname -d domainname

    To verify hostname use showhostname, the syntax is:

    XSCF> showhostname -a | xscfu

    To set the service processors DNS name server address, the syntax is:

    XSCF> setnameserver ip_address

    Verify using:

    XSCF> shownameserver

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