How do I display interface information on solaris 10?

  • # /usr/sbin/ifconfig interface_name


    # /usr/sbin/ifconfig vmxnet0
    vmxnet0: flags=1000843 mtu 1500 index 2
            inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
            ether 0:c:29:8f:dc:ce

    The first line displays the interface name (i.e. vmxnet0) and its status flags (i.e. UP). If this interface was not initialised, the flag would show DOWN. Also shown is the interface's maximum transmission unit (MTU) and an index number.
    In this case, mtu 1500 indicates that this particular interface has a maximum transfer size of 1500 octets.

    The second line shows IP address information for that interface and includes the IPv4 or IPv6 address that is configured. For an IPv4 address, this line also displays the configured netmask and broadcast address.

    The third line shows the MAC address (only when the ifconfig command is run as root, if not (see below), the MAC address is not shown.
    For an IPv6 address, the third line displays the link-local address that the IPv6 in.ndpd daemon generates from the MAC address.

    $ /usr/sbin/ifconfig vmxnet0
    vmxnet0: flags=1000843 mtu 1500 index 2
            inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast

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