How do I display an interface status in solaris 10?

  • $ /usr/bin/netstat -i
    Name  Mtu  Net/Dest      Address        Ipkts  Ierrs Opkts  Oerrs Collis Queue
    lo0   8232 loopback      localhost      94     0     94     0     0      0
    vmxnet0 1500 jupiter       jupiter        6409   0     724    0     0      0

    Ipkts = input packet count
    If this figure increases each time a client tries to boot but the Opkts (output packet count) stays steady, then this could indicate that the server is seeing the boot request packets from the client but does not know to respond to them.
    This may be caused by an incorrect address in /etc/hosts, /etc/inet/ipnodes or /etc/ethers.

    On the other hand, if the Ipkts (input packet count) is stable over a period of time, then the server does not see the packets at all. This may indicate a hardware failure.

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