nomad node-status --help


    $ nomad node-status --help
    Usage: nomad node-status [options] <node>
      Display status information about a given node. The list of nodes
      returned includes only nodes which jobs may be scheduled to, and
      includes status and other high-level information.
      If a node ID is passed, information for that specific node will be displayed,
      including resource usage statistics. If no node ID's are passed, then a
      short-hand list of all nodes will be displayed. The -self flag is useful to
      quickly access the status of the local node.
    General Options:
        The address of the Nomad server.
        Overrides the NOMAD_ADDR environment variable if set.
        Default =
        The region of the Nomad servers to forward commands to.
        Overrides the NOMAD_REGION environment variable if set.
        Defaults to the Agent's local region.
        Disables colored command output.
        Path to a PEM encoded CA cert file to use to verify the 
        Nomad server SSL certificate.  Overrides the NOMAD_CACERT 
        environment variable if set.
        Path to a directory of PEM encoded CA cert files to verify 
        the Nomad server SSL certificate. If both -ca-cert and 
        -ca-path are specified, -ca-cert is used. Overrides the 
        NOMAD_CAPATH environment variable if set.
        Path to a PEM encoded client certificate for TLS authentication 
        to the Nomad server. Must also specify -client-key. Overrides 
        the NOMAD_CLIENT_CERT environment variable if set.
        Path to an unencrypted PEM encoded private key matching the 
        client certificate from -client-cert. Overrides the 
        NOMAD_CLIENT_KEY environment variable if set.
        Do not verify TLS certificate. This is highly not recommended. Verification
        will also be skipped if NOMAD_SKIP_VERIFY is set.
    Node Status Options:
        Query the status of the local node.
        Display detailed resource usage statistics.
        Display a count of running allocations for each node.
        Display short output. Used only when a single node is being
        queried, and drops verbose output about node allocations.
        Display full information.
        Output the node in its JSON format.
        Format and display node using a Go template.

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