How do I create an aws account?

  • Check the sign-up plans here:

    Normally to try it out you do not want purchase a support plan, so Amazon provide a free tier to try it out free for 12 months, a trial that most software services. Read the following.

    Go through the sign-up forms and you will eventually have an account, remember that this account will be your root account, best practices say to

    • Leave this account for billing & usage purposes only.
    • Protect the account with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and set a strong password.

    Instead of using the root account, create user(s) with Administrator policy attached to a group. There is a aws CLI, but while you are in the console, you can do this initial part via the web console.

    Go to the Services on the top menu, choose the IAM service, on left click group, then click button create new group

    Create a user


    Click on users on the left, then click create new users button, add the users required, to being with normally just one, then click Create. IMPORTANT: to download the access keys, as this is your way into the aws services, from outside of the console, for instance when using the AWS CLI.

    Create a group.

    Go to the Services on the top menu, choose the IAM service, on left click group, then click button create new group


    Name your group, click Next. Add the policy required, Review and then click create group

    Assign a user(s) to the new group, checkbox the group you just created then click on group actions button, and choose Add users to group, checkbox the user, and click button Add users.

    Test the user account you just created, but you need to go to account login page, and not the root login page.

    The URL is: bookmark it like this with your real account number.

    Where the AWS-account-ID-or-alias is not the user you just create, it is the AWS numeric id provided when you created the root account, if you log into the root account and click on your user account, the dropdown menu has it, but you enter it above without any dashes just the numbers. In the web page enter your user id you created, and the password you chose and you should be logged in.

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