How do i use regular expressions with vi?

  • A lot of this applies to vim also, most recent linux OS's will call vim.

    Man page for vim:
    Link to regular expressions:
    Vim documentation on substitution:
    Vim documentation on patterns:

    The format of the regular expression when you presss colon in vi.


    The format of the command is:


    Explaining each section.

    The range are the line you want to target for changes.

    The Range

    . The dot means current line.

    $ The dollar means last line.

    * The visual area.

    % The entire file.

    'c The position of the mark c.

    /{pattern}[/] The next line which matches the pattern.

    ?{pattern}[?] The previous line which matches the pattern.

    & The next line where the previous substitution matches.

    ? The previous line where the previous substitution matches.

    / The next line where the previously used search matches.

    The above can be used with with + and - (plus/minus) followed by an optional number, the default number is 1, if not provided. These symbols mean add or subtract to the preceding line match.

    The s[ubstitute]

    Means you are using the substutute option for text manipulation.


    Means the what you are searching for in the file.


    Means what you want the pattern to change to.


    Specify additional options.


    Sample file:

    &lt!DOCTYPE html&gt
      &lth1>My First Heading&lt/h1&gt
      &lth1>My Second Heading&lt/h1&gt
      &ltp>My first paragraph.&lt/p&gt

    g - Replace all occurrences in the line (without g - only first).

    Change h1 to h2 only on line 5, ever occurrence on that line.


    Same as above but confirming every change. Useful for testing.


    replace with h1 (y/n/a/q/l/^E/^Y)?
    At this point, you must enter one of the following answers:

    y		Yes; make this change.
    n		No; skip this match.
    a		All; make this change and all remaining ones without further confirmation.
    q		Quit; don't make any more changes.
    l		Last; make this change and then quit.
    CTRL-E		Scroll the text one line up.
    CTRL-Y		Scroll the text one line down.

    Change all h1 tags to h2 tags in the entire file.


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