How do I use the short form css padding, border & margin?

  • Padding, border and margin are part of the box model in CSS. The picture below from, shows the box model.


    The padding, border, and margin all have top, right, bottom, and left properties. If we use border as an example. To make it easier to remember; think of it as going clockwise

    The border has border-width, border-style, and border-color. border-width, is top, right, bottom and left width sizes.

    Rather than specifying each of these individually. CSS provides a shorthand way which is easier to read.

    In shorthand: border-width is 2px for top, right, bottom and left, border-style is solid, and border-color is blue.

    border:  2px solid blue

    padding & margin does not have the color or style properties, just top, right, bottom and left.

    Instead of specifying padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom and padding-left individually; you can use the shorthand form.

    padding: 10px 30px 10px 5px

    If top and bottom padding is the same and right and left padding is the same, you can use

    padding: 10px 30px

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