How do i display the md5 hash of a file?

  • {{ ALERT: Always check security information on any software tools you use. }}

    md5 is a stands for Message Digest, five is the version. md5 is one of many hash functions. It is intended to check the integrity of data.

    Checking hashes for MD5.

    The vendor or website you are downloading a file from would normally provide a hash of some type, if it's a md5 hash, it is checked as shown below. If the vendor or the website displays the hash as d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e against a downloadable file.

    After downloading the file to your local machine, you run a md5 hash check, if the hash matches, then the integrity of the transfer is good.

    $ md5sum /tmp/mydownloadedfile.tar
    d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  /tmp/mydownloadedfile.tar

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