How do i create a chef repo?

  • The chef repo is where all your collective chef files are kept to configure & automate, the chef command creates the directory structure, you have to populate it for your environment.

    The chef repo should be all git or (SCM) managed in some way.

    $ chef generate repo chef-repo
    Recipe: code_generator::repo
      * directory[/chef/chef-repo] action create
        - create new directory /chef/chef-repo
      * template[/chef/chef-repo/LICENSE] action create_if_missing
        - create new file /chef/chef-repo/LICENSE
        - update content in file /chef/chef-repo/LICENSE from none to c6e6d4
        (diff output suppressed by config)
      * cookbook_file[/chef/chef-repo/.chef-repo.txt] action create_if_missing
        - create new file /chef/chef-repo/.chef-repo.txt
        - update content in file /chef/chef-repo/.chef-repo.txt from none to 2bed28
        (diff output suppressed by config)
      * cookbook_file[/chef/chef-repo/] action create_if_missing
        - create new file /chef/chef-repo/
        - update content in file /chef/chef-repo/ from none to 2b4f46
        (diff output suppressed by config)
      * cookbook_file[/chef/chef-repo/chefignore] action create_if_missing
        - create new file /chef/chef-repo/chefignore
        - update content in file /chef/chef-repo/chefignore from none to f728e0
        (diff output suppressed by config)
      * remote_directory[/chef/chef-repo/cookbooks] action create_if_missing
        - create new directory /chef/chef-repo/cookbooks
      Recipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
        * directory[/chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example] action create
          - create new directory /chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example
          - change mode from '' to '0755'
          - change owner from '' to 'chef'
          - change group from '' to 'chef'
        * cookbook_file[/chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example/] action create_if_missing
          - create new file /chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example/
          - update content in file /chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example/ from none to d11a1f
          (diff output suppressed by config)
          - change mode from '' to '0644'
        * cookbook_file[/chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example/metadata.rb] action create_if_missing
          - create new file /chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example/metadata.rb
          - update content in file /chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example/metadata.rb from none to f9f81a
          (diff output suppressed by config)
          - change mode from '' to '0644'
        * directory[/chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example/attributes] action create
          - create new directory /chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example/attributes
          - change mode from '' to '0755'
          - change owner from '' to 'chef'
          - change group from '' to 'chef'
        * cookbook_file[/chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example/attributes/default.rb] action create_if_missing
          - create new file /chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example/attributes/default.rb
          - update content in file /chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example/attributes/default.rb from none to 09dac4
          (diff output suppressed by config)
          - change mode from '' to '0644'
        * directory[/chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example/recipes] action create
          - create new directory /chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example/recipes
          - change mode from '' to '0755'
          - change owner from '' to 'chef'
          - change group from '' to 'chef'
        * cookbook_file[/chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example/recipes/default.rb] action create_if_missing
          - create new file /chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example/recipes/default.rb
          - update content in file /chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/example/recipes/default.rb from none to 25b7b8
          (diff output suppressed by config)
          - change mode from '' to '0644'
    Recipe: code_generator::repo
      * remote_directory[/chef/chef-repo/data_bags] action create_if_missing
        - create new directory /chef/chef-repo/data_bags
      Recipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
        * cookbook_file[/chef/chef-repo/data_bags/] action create_if_missing
          - create new file /chef/chef-repo/data_bags/
          - update content in file /chef/chef-repo/data_bags/ from none to 9bb9c0
          (diff output suppressed by config)
          - change mode from '' to '0644'
        * directory[/chef/chef-repo/data_bags/example] action create
          - create new directory /chef/chef-repo/data_bags/example
          - change mode from '' to '0755'
          - change owner from '' to 'chef'
          - change group from '' to 'chef'
        * cookbook_file[/chef/chef-repo/data_bags/example/example_item.json] action create_if_missing
          - create new file /chef/chef-repo/data_bags/example/example_item.json
          - update content in file /chef/chef-repo/data_bags/example/example_item.json from none to 1048ec
          (diff output suppressed by config)
          - change mode from '' to '0644'
    Recipe: code_generator::repo
      * remote_directory[/chef/chef-repo/roles] action create_if_missing
        - create new directory /chef/chef-repo/roles
      Recipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
        * cookbook_file[/chef/chef-repo/roles/] action create_if_missing
          - create new file /chef/chef-repo/roles/
          - update content in file /chef/chef-repo/roles/ from none to c36187
          (diff output suppressed by config)
          - change mode from '' to '0644'
        * cookbook_file[/chef/chef-repo/roles/example.json] action create_if_missing
          - create new file /chef/chef-repo/roles/example.json
          - update content in file /chef/chef-repo/roles/example.json from none to 297ea8
          (diff output suppressed by config)
          - change mode from '' to '0644'
    Recipe: code_generator::repo
      * remote_directory[/chef/chef-repo/environments] action create_if_missing
        - create new directory /chef/chef-repo/environments
      Recipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
        * cookbook_file[/chef/chef-repo/environments/] action create_if_missing
          - create new file /chef/chef-repo/environments/
          - update content in file /chef/chef-repo/environments/ from none to c9ccdf
          (diff output suppressed by config)
          - change mode from '' to '0644'
        * cookbook_file[/chef/chef-repo/environments/example.json] action create_if_missing
          - create new file /chef/chef-repo/environments/example.json
          - update content in file /chef/chef-repo/environments/example.json from none to 59a963
          (diff output suppressed by config)
          - change mode from '' to '0644'
    Recipe: code_generator::repo
      * cookbook_file[/chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/] action create_if_missing
        - create new file /chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/
        - update content in file /chef/chef-repo/cookbooks/ from none to 86e9ef
        (diff output suppressed by config)
      * execute[initialize-git] action run
        - execute git init .
      * template[/chef/chef-repo/.gitignore] action create_if_missing
        - create new file /chef/chef-repo/.gitignore
        - update content in file /chef/chef-repo/.gitignore from none to 11e5ee
        (diff output suppressed by config)

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