splunk add

  • Add data inputs, user accounts, or saved searches.
    Type "./splunk help saved-search" to learn how to add alerts and saved searches.
    Type "./splunk help [topic name | object name | parameter name]" to get help on 
    any topic, object, or parameter.
    	add [object] [-parameter <value> | <value>]
    	add shcluster-member
    	add monitor source [-parameter <value>] ...
    	add [tcp] source [-parameter <value>] ...
    	add user <username> [-parameter <value>] ...
    	add role <rolename> [-parameter <value>] ...
    	add [licenses|licenser-pools]
    	add licenses path 
    	add -name <pool name> -description <description> -quota 
    <size[kb|mb|tb]> -slaves <comma separated slave GUID list> -stack_id <stack to 
    which this pool belongs>
    	add exec                		adds scripted inputs
    	add index               		adds index on this server
    	add cluster-master      		Adds another master to the list 
    of instances a searchhead searches across
    	add shcluster-member    		Add the specified node to a 
    search head cluster. Search head clustering should already be enabled on that 
    	add monitor             		adds monitor directory and file 
    	add tcp                 		adds TCP (network) inputs
    	add udp                 		adds UDP (network) inputs
    	add forward-server      		adds servers to forward data 
    to; to set up SSL, you need to provide at minimum the following parameters: 
    ssl-cert-path, ssl-password, and ssl-root-ca-path
    	add oneshot             		adds onetime file input
    	add user                		adds a user
    	add role                		adds a role
    	add licenses            		adds a license to the 
    appropriate stack
    	add licenser-pools      		adds a pool to a stack
    Required Parameters:
    	(For add exec)
    		source              		command and arguments to be run
    		interval            		number of seconds to wait 
    before running the command
    	(For add index)
    		name                		name of index (if none set - 
    then use all)
    	(For add cluster-master)
    		master_uri          		the value of the master uri
    	(For add monitor)
    		source              		path to a file or directory 
    whose contents should be indexed by the Splunk server, and then watched for new 
    input. The Splunk server unpacks tarfiles and compressed files.
    	(For add tcp)
    		source              		the TCP network port that the 
    Splunk Server should listen on
    	(For add udp)
    		source              		port where Splunk should listen 
    for events
    	(For add forward-server)
    		hostport            		in the format <host>:<port> 
    where host and port are hostname or IP address of the indexing server and port 
    that the indexer is listening on
    	(For add oneshot)
    		source              		name of a file to add to inputs
    	(For add user)
    		username            		the name of the Splunk user 
    account to manage
    		role                		Admin, Power, or User
    		password            		password of the account
    	(For add role)
    		rolename            		The name of the role
    	(For add licenses)
    		path                		path to the new license file
    	(For add licenser-pools)
    		name                		name of the new pool to add
    		stack_id            		stack that this pool belongs to
    		quota               		new allocation size of the pool
    Optional Parameters:
    	(For add exec)
    		hostregex           		quoted string description for 
    the app
    		host                		hostname to set as the host 
    		index               		index to place events in
    		keep-open           		set the command to not terminate
    		sourcetype          		source type value to set for 
    events from the source
    	(For add cluster-master)
    		secret              		the secret/pass4SymmKey used 
    for the master
    		site                		the site-id for the searchhead 
    for this master
    		multisite           		used to turn on|off multisite 
    for this master. Takes in values[true|false]
    	(For add shcluster-member)
    		current_member_uri  		Management uri of an existing 
    member of the cluster that this node is to be come part of.
                        When this command is run on a current member, this is not 
                        When this command is run on the new node, this is required 
    so that the new node can talk to the cluster.
    		new_member_uri      		Management uri of the new 
    member to be added to the cluster.
                        This must be exactly the same as the mgmt_uri of the new 
    node (as specified in server.conf). 
                        When this command is run on a current member this is 
    required to specify the node to add. 
                        When this command is run directly on the new node, this is 
    not required.
    	(For add monitor)
    		sourcetype          		source type value to set for 
    events from the source
    		index               		a local Splunk index to place 
    events from the source. Note: For forwarding instances of Splunk (which 
    typically do not have local indexes), you have to edit the configuration file 
    (inputs.conf) to specify an input for an index on a remote server. 
    		hostname            		host name to set as the host 
    		hostregex           		regular expression of file path 
    to set as the host value
    		hostsegmentnum      		number of segments in the file 
    path to set as the host value
    		follow-only         		only read from the end of the 
    file (True|False, default=False)
    	(For add tcp)
    		remotehost          		specify IP address to 
    exclusively accept data from
    		sourcetype          		source type value to set for 
    events from the source
    		index               		index to place events from the 
    		hostname            		host name to set as the host 
    		resolvehost         		specify whether to use DNS to 
    set the host value (true|false, default=false)
    		doneTimeout         		timeout after which data 
    received so far over the connection is deemed complete
    	(For add udp)
    		remotehost          		specify an IP address to 
    exclusively accept data from
    		sourcetype          		source type value to set for 
    events from the source
    		index               		index to place events in
    		hostname            		host name to set as the host 
    		resolvehost         		specify whether to use DNS to 
    set the host value (true|false, default=false)
    	(For add forward-server)
    		method              		set forwarding method to 
    data-cloning or load-balancing (clone|autobalance, default=autobalance)
    		ssl-cert-path       		If path to the certificate is 
    specified, this connection will use SSL
    		ssl-password        		The password associated with 
    the certificate authority certificate
    		ssl-root-ca-path    		The path to the root 
    certificate authority file
    		ssl-verify-server-cert		If true, make sure that the 
    server that is being connected to is an authenticated one (true|false)
    		ssl-common-name-to-check		Check the common name 
    of the server's certificate against this name when 'ssl-verify-server-cert' is 
    set to true
    		ssl-alternate-name-to-check		The alternate name to 
    check when 'ssl-verify-server-cert' is set to true
    	(For add user)
    		full-name           		Real name of user in quotes 
    (Example: "Nikola Tesla")
    		tz                  		Timezone of user (Example: 
    	(For add licenser-pools)
    		description         		human readable description
    		slaves              		list of slave GUIDs that are 
    part of this pool
    	'./splunk add cluster-master -secret testsecret 
    -multisite false'
    	'./splunk add cluster-master -secret testsecret 
    -multisite true -site site2'
    	./splunk add shcluster-member -current_member_uri https://myserver:1234
    	./splunk add shcluster-member -new_member_uri https://myserver:1234
    	./splunk add monitor /var/log/
    	./splunk add monitor -source c:\Windows\windowsupdate.log -index 
    	./splunk add monitor -source c:\windows\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC 
    	./splunk add forward-server bologna:9997
    	./splunk add forward-server vicenza:9991 -ssl-cert-path /path/ssl.crt 
    -ssl-root-ca-path /path/ca.crt -ssl-password password
    	./splunk add user noobie -password "changeme" -full-name 'New User' 
    -role User
    	./splunk add role noobie -capability edit_tcp -imported user
    	./splunk add role subuser -capability edit_user -imported user 
    -imported power -grantable user
    	./splunk add licenses /opt/splunk/etc/licenses/enterprise/enterprise.lic
    	./splunk add licenses /opt/splunk/etc/licenses/enterprise/enterprise.lic
    	./splunk add licenser-pools foo -description test -quota 10mb -slaves 
    guid1,guid2 -stack_id enterprise
    Type "help [command]" to get help with parameters for a specific command.
    Complete documentation is available online at: 

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