How do i list pacemaker cluster constraints using pcs?

  • Constraints are similar in some respects to dependancies, especially the Ordering Constraints.

    Here making sure the Cluster_Server (which is actually the IP address), starts first, then make sure the DRBD is synced, start the WebFS (Filesystem), then the WebSite (apache).

    # pcs constraint list
    Location Constraints:
      Resource: WebFS
        Enabled on: u1priv (score:INFINITY) (role: Started)
      Resource: WebSite
        Enabled on: u1priv (score:50)
    Ordering Constraints:
      start Cluster_Server then start WebSite (kind:Mandatory)
      promote WebDataClone then start WebFS (kind:Mandatory)
      start WebFS then start WebSite (kind:Mandatory)
    Colocation Constraints:
      WebSite with Cluster_Server (score:INFINITY)
      WebFS with WebDataClone (score:INFINITY) (with-rsc-role:Master)
      WebSite with WebFS (score:INFINITY)
    Ticket Constraints:

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