How do i expose a port in a docker container?

  • Man page for docker run.

    $ docker run -d -p 80:80  nginx                                              

    The -d is detach mode, runs in the background.
    The -p publishes the port(s) to the container.

    If you go to the host browser: http://localhost, you will see the web server welcome banner.

    Also curl to the URL will work.

    $ curl http://localhost

    If no mapped port is specified a random port is mapped on the host server, where the docker command is executed.

    $ docker run -d -p 80 nginx                                                   

    Docker inspect will show the host port.

    $ docker inspect 73484a41ea8e
    "Ports": {
                    "80/tcp": [
                            "HostIp": "",
                            "HostPort": "32771"

    Test the port mapping.

    $ curl http://localhost

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