How do I register or add a software depot in hp-ux?

  • Note: You must have hp-ux software extracted in the area where you want to register as an hp-ux software depot, or it will fail. For instance we are registering /var/spool/sw, using the swreg command.

    # pwd
    # ls (empty directory, at the moment)
    # file santoolkit_hpux_3.2.depot.tar
    santoolkit_hpux_3.2.depot.tar: tar file
    # tar xvf /var/tmp/santoolkit_hpux_3.2.depot.tar
    # ls
    NetApp_santoolkit catalog swagent.log
    # swreg -l depot /var/spool/sw
    ======= 11/17/07 12:17:44 GMT BEGIN swreg SESSION (non-interactive)
    * Session started for user "root@unixbod".
    * Beginning Selection
    * Targets: unixbod
    * Objects: /var/spool/sw
    * Selection succeeded.
    ======= 11/17/07 12:17:44 GMT END swreg SESSION (non-interactive)

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