nodetool toppartitions - Sample and print the most active partitions for a given column family

  • NAME
            nodetool toppartitions - Sample and print the most active partitions for
            a given column family
            nodetool [(-h <host> | --host <host>)] [(-p <port> | --port <port>)]
                    [(-pw <password> | --password <password>)]
                    [(-pwf <passwordFilePath> | --password-file <passwordFilePath>)]
                    [(-u <username> | --username <username>)] toppartitions [-a <samplers>]
                    [-k <topCount>] [-s <size>] [--] <keyspace> <cfname> <duration>
            -a <samplers>
                Comma separated list of samplers to use (Default: all)
            -h <host>, --host <host>
                Node hostname or ip address
            -k <topCount>
                Number of the top partitions to list (Default: 10)
            -p <port>, --port <port>
                Remote jmx agent port number
            -pw <password>, --password <password>
                Remote jmx agent password
            -pwf <passwordFilePath>, --password-file <passwordFilePath>
                Path to the JMX password file
            -s <size>
                Capacity of stream summary, closer to the actual cardinality of
                partitions will yield more accurate results (Default: 256)
            -u <username>, --username <username>
                Remote jmx agent username
                This option can be used to separate command-line options from the
                list of argument, (useful when arguments might be mistaken for
                command-line options
            <keyspace> <cfname> <duration>
                The keyspace, column family name, and duration in milliseconds

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