cqlsh - cassandra query language shell

  • Usage: cqlsh.py [options] [host [port]]
    CQL Shell for Apache Cassandra
      --version             show program's version number and exit
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -C, --color           Always use color output
      --no-color            Never use color output
      --browser=BROWSER     The browser to use to display CQL help, where BROWSER
                            can be:
                            - one of the supported browsers in
                            - browser path followed by %s, example: /usr/bin
                            /google-chrome-stable %s
      --ssl                 Use SSL
      --no_compact          No Compact
      -u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME
                            Authenticate as user.
      -p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD
                            Authenticate using password.
      -k KEYSPACE, --keyspace=KEYSPACE
                            Authenticate to the given keyspace.
      -f FILE, --file=FILE  Execute commands from FILE, then exit
      --debug               Show additional debugging information
      --encoding=ENCODING   Specify a non-default encoding for output. (Default:
      --cqlshrc=CQLSHRC     Specify an alternative cqlshrc file location.
                            Specify a particular CQL version, by default the
                            highest version supported by the server will be used.
                            Examples: "3.0.3", "3.1.0"
                            Specify a specific protcol version otherwise the
                            client will default and downgrade as necessary
      -e EXECUTE, --execute=EXECUTE
                            Execute the statement and quit.
                            Specify the connection timeout in seconds (default: 5
                            Specify the default request timeout in seconds
                            (default: 10 seconds).
      -t, --tty             Force tty mode (command prompt).
    Connects to by default. These defaults can be changed by
    setting $CQLSH_HOST and/or $CQLSH_PORT. When a host (and optional port number)
    are given on the command line, they take precedence over any defaults.

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