openssl ca -help

  • Certificate Authority (CA) Management.

    $ openssl ca -help
    Usage: ca [options]
    Valid options are:
     -help                   Display this summary
     -verbose                Verbose output during processing
     -config val             A config file
     -name val               The particular CA definition to use
     -subj val               Use arg instead of request's subject
     -utf8                   Input characters are UTF8 (default ASCII)
     -create_serial          If reading serial fails, create a new random serial
     -rand_serial            Always create a random serial; do not store it
     -multivalue-rdn         Enable support for multivalued RDNs
     -startdate val          Cert notBefore, YYMMDDHHMMSSZ
     -enddate val            YYMMDDHHMMSSZ cert notAfter (overrides -days)
     -days +int              Number of days to certify the cert for
     -md val                 md to use; one of md2, md5, sha or sha1
     -policy val             The CA 'policy' to support
     -keyfile val            Private key
     -keyform format         Private key file format (PEM or ENGINE)
     -passin val             Input file pass phrase source
     -key val                Key to decode the private key if it is encrypted
     -cert infile            The CA cert
     -selfsign               Sign a cert with the key associated with it
     -in infile              The input PEM encoded cert request(s)
     -out outfile            Where to put the output file(s)
     -outdir dir             Where to put output cert
     -sigopt val             Signature parameter in n:v form
     -notext                 Do not print the generated certificate
     -batch                  Don't ask questions
     -preserveDN             Don't re-order the DN
     -noemailDN              Don't add the EMAIL field to the DN
     -gencrl                 Generate a new CRL
     -msie_hack              msie modifications to handle all those universal strings
     -crldays +int           Days until the next CRL is due
     -crlhours +int          Hours until the next CRL is due
     -crlsec +int            Seconds until the next CRL is due
     -infiles                The last argument, requests to process
     -ss_cert infile         File contains a self signed cert to sign
     -spkac infile           File contains DN and signed public key and challenge
     -revoke infile          Revoke a cert (given in file)
     -valid val              Add a Valid(not-revoked) DB entry about a cert (given in file)
     -extensions val         Extension section (override value in config file)
     -extfile infile         Configuration file with X509v3 extensions to add
     -status val             Shows cert status given the serial number
     -updatedb               Updates db for expired cert
     -crlexts val            CRL extension section (override value in config file)
     -crl_reason val         revocation reason
     -crl_hold val           the hold instruction, an OID. Sets revocation reason to certificateHold
     -crl_compromise val     sets compromise time to val and the revocation reason to keyCompromise
     -crl_CA_compromise val  sets compromise time to val and the revocation reason to CACompromise
     -rand val               Load the file(s) into the random number generator
     -writerand outfile      Write random data to the specified file
     -engine val             Use engine, possibly a hardware device

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