openssl dsaparam -help

  • dsaparam DSA Parameter Generation and Management. Superseded by genpkey(1) and pkeyparam(1).

    $ openssl dsaparam -help
    Usage: dsaparam [options]
    Valid options are:
     -help               Display this summary
     -inform PEM|DER     Input format - DER or PEM
     -in infile          Input file
     -outform PEM|DER    Output format - DER or PEM
     -out outfile        Output file
     -text               Print as text
     -C                  Output C code
     -noout              No output
     -genkey             Generate a DSA key
     -rand val           Load the file(s) into the random number generator
     -writerand outfile  Write random data to the specified file
     -engine val         Use engine e, possibly a hardware device

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