openssl rsautl -help

  • RSA utility for signing, verification, encryption, and decryption. Superseded by pkeyutl(1).

    $ openssl rsautl -help
    Usage: rsautl [options]
    Valid options are:
     -help                    Display this summary
     -in infile               Input file
     -out outfile             Output file
     -inkey val               Input key
     -keyform PEM|DER|ENGINE  Private key format - default PEM
     -pubin                   Input is an RSA public
     -certin                  Input is a cert carrying an RSA public key
     -ssl                     Use SSL v2 padding
     -raw                     Use no padding
     -pkcs                    Use PKCS#1 v1.5 padding (default)
     -oaep                    Use PKCS#1 OAEP
     -sign                    Sign with private key
     -verify                  Verify with public key
     -asn1parse               Run output through asn1parse; useful with -verify
     -hexdump                 Hex dump output
     -x931                    Use ANSI X9.31 padding
     -rev                     Reverse the order of the input buffer
     -encrypt                 Encrypt with public key
     -decrypt                 Decrypt with private key
     -passin val              Input file pass phrase source
     -rand val                Load the file(s) into the random number generator
     -writerand outfile       Write random data to the specified file
     -engine val              Use engine, possibly a hardware device

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