openssl speed -help

  • Algorithm Speed Measurement.

    $ openssl speed -help
    Usage: speed [options] ciphers...
    Valid options are:
     -help               Display this summary
     -evp val            Use EVP-named cipher or digest
     -decrypt            Time decryption instead of encryption (only EVP)
     -aead               Benchmark EVP-named AEAD cipher in TLS-like sequence
     -mb                 Enable (tls1>=1) multi-block mode on EVP-named cipher
     -mr                 Produce machine readable output
     -multi +int         Run benchmarks in parallel
     -async_jobs +int    Enable async mode and start specified number of jobs
     -rand val           Load the file(s) into the random number generator
     -writerand outfile  Write random data to the specified file
     -engine val         Use engine, possibly a hardware device
     -elapsed            Use wall-clock time instead of CPU user time as divisor
     -primes +int        Specify number of primes (for RSA only)
     -seconds +int       Run benchmarks for specified amount of seconds
     -bytes +int         Run [non-PKI] benchmarks on custom-sized buffer
     -misalign +int      Use specified offset to mis-align buffers

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