How do I shutdown the system in aix?

  • There are three commands to shutdown the operating systems in AIX, choose the one that is appropriate for the work you are doing

    *) init
    *) shutdown
    *) halt or fasthalt
    The init command has option like S, s, m, and M, M is for maintenance mode, S or s is for single user mode.

    The shutdown command brings the system down cleanly, it send a warning message of the shutdown and then shutdown after a minute, some examples

    shutdown without warning and then reboot

    # shutdown -Fr

    shutdown after waiting ten miniutes

    # shutdown -m +10

    halt and fasthalt work in a similar way, just fasthalt has BSD compatibility in its options

    This command will, write status messages to log files, sync the disk and stop the system, at the end of the command, the system can be powered off completely

    # halt

    With the use of shutdown, you can also use the /etc/rc.shutdown script to customise the shutdown

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