God's special creature?


BANG! And that's the creation of a new universe


The birth and death of all things are interwoven in a slow dance as a result of the creation of a new universe. The genesis of our planet, Earth, is part of the cycle of birth and death. Since the formation of the plant Earth, nature has been keeping all things in equilibrium with each other by adapting to natural changes. Since the planet was formed, various destructive and non-destructive events have created an imbalance in the equilibrium of the planet. Regardless of the type of imbalance, nature recreated that equilibrium. Nature's ruleset is absolute, and this equilibrium also applies to all living things. Nature created all species to be in contention with each other; it also created contention within the same species, from the smallest living things to the largest living things in the so-called food chain and the fight for survival. Related articles: The food chain and Competitive Relationships in Ecosystems

Definition of contention in this context.

"A striving to win in competition; rivalry."

The beginnings of modern humans.

The origin of the human species began in a place we now know as Africa. It is important to remember that during the evolution of the human species, it was not known as Africa; it had no name until it was given one. The location was just another place on the planet. It should be referred to as the birthplace of humans, without any sense of ownership. The same applies to any location in the world where something originated from nature and was later named and became ownership of some entity; historically, most places around the world were given names by rulers and conquerors for ownership. Today we are all one species (homo sapiens), but the countries of the world have divided us. It is important to remember that all modern humans originated from one place, the evolutionary changes of skin color, different languages, and having different beliefs and culture make us different, but all our hearts are born out of the same place. Generations have gone through the education system, listening to the media, and learning about each country and what it represents and its formation. The basic fact that things, objects, and places were given names is associated with ownership.

Humans, like the majority of other species, are territorial. Despite the fact that they were already living on one of the world's largest continents and there was no overpopulation problem at the time, the question of why early human species (homo sapiens) sought to migrate to other areas of the earth remains. The truth is that there isn't enough evidence to draw firm conclusions, but a number of theories based on temperature at the time and archaeological discoveries made all over the world suggest that it could have been because early humans were looking for more hospitable places to live with better access to resources during the last Ice Age. There are many unsolved mysteries about early humans, but fresh discoveries will continue to provide a clearer picture. Related article: Why Did Early Humans Leave Africa?

One thing appears certain: as human populations grew, the territorial nature of humans became more prevalent. Today, every individual recognizes their own territorial nature: the personal perimeter (the space around you), the space when an unknown person sits next to you on public transportation, perhaps not sitting these days but standing, due to the poor quality of many public transportation systems, the perimeter of a room in a house (the place you sleep), the house perimeter (your shelter), the town or city perimeter (the place you associate with on a regional group level), and a country perimeter (the place you associate with on a national group level).Why is a territory guarded? It is a claim to ownership of the territory and its resources.

Side thought: What will the territorial perimeter be when alien life is found? Will people then declare that we are all one, regardless of race, color, or creed, and that our boundary is the Earth? What if there are millions of distinct intelligent life forms in the universe? Will we conclude that we aren't so unique after all? Will we feel less special as a result? Finding the first intelligent extraterrestrial life form is most likely all that is required to consider the human species less special. AI and robotics are likely to be the first to make us feel less special.

The distance between nature and humanity is increasing, with most of humanity living in a separate existence to nature. We seem to have forgotten that we are a part of nature but have gradually become more and more distant from it. We have a mutual relationship with it. We are nature, and nature is us..

Our heartfelt feelings go out to anyone affected by any of the issues discussed in this article.
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If there is to be a psychological revolution of the mind, the psychological barriers in our minds must first be removed. Physical barriers around territory were built with considerable sorrow and bloodshed by rulers, leaders, or governments. These divisions have been passed down from generation to generation, and individuals have become a part of them. The spark that began life on Earth did not decide; we'll have the east and west hemispheres, then continents and countries, and within countries, we'll further subdivide them by towns and cities, and then districts inside towns and cities. Historically, monarchs, leaders, or governments separated countries in this manner, and current international leaders continue to do so. There's no world leader you can run to when a natural or climate change disaster disregards these borders. Related articles: In a place shattered by war and earthquakes, people feel forgotten, Morocco earthquake survivors say "government didn't come," as hope of finding anyone else alive fades, and Residents of Libya’s Derna Blame Government for Flood Disaster

When it comes down to it, the fundamental reasons for gates, fences, walls, and borders are greed and or fear of others. Humans fear other humans because they know their own nature as a divisive species.

Humans, like other animal species, originated in a variety of forms. We, Homo sapiens, are the last existing human species; yet, our numbers are slightly higher than those of other animal species, with an estimated population of 8+ billion people. There is debate on what happened to earlier human species after Homo sapiens became the dominant species. We only need to look at the human race now to realize how things have turned out. By just counting the amount of conflicts, battles, and wars that have occurred, we may probably get our answer and form a conclusion about what happened to the other human species. Related article:Were other humans the first victims of the sixth mass extinction?

What are we really talking about? People killing each other to get something they want. In military warfare this equates to something governments want or what a group of governments want.

Definition of conflict in this context.

"A state of open, often prolonged fighting; a battle or war."

Throughout history, when wars are discussed in history books and education systems, they mention countries or regions being in conflict with each other; this is not precisely true. Sometimes people are misled with incorrect information to make them believe a conflict is justifiable. People who are aware of the truth about their countries or regions will not want conflict unless it is for patriotic reasons; it is their leaders or governments that decide why their country needs to be in conflict with another country or region (the select few you vote to lead your country), not the majority of the people. Through royalism and nationalism, some people have ended up backing their countries rulers, leaders, or governments into various conflicts, and these conflicts involve pain and the killing of innocent people.

History in the education system could present the information in a better way rather than grouping a whole nation or country together and asserting that one nation was at war with another. In most cases, it would be more accurate to declare that the ruler, leader, or government of one nation was at war with the ruler, leader, or government of another nation with certain members of the public who backed their activities. In actuality, history teaches us that it makes little difference if some or all of the public supports it. Governments, rulers, and leaders seem to make decisions about conflict regardless of what their citizens believe. Reusing a previously linked article: Wikipedia article - Protests against the Iraq War. Quote from article: "36 million people across the globe took part in almost 3,000 protests against the Iraq war." This did not prevent the war.

After World War I, "the war to end all wars," this reference was made due to the scale of devastation and loss of life. Today we know it was not the war to end all wars and realize what happens when the fixations of power and control get out of hand leading to the World War II and the deep sadness and killing of innocent people that came with that. World War II can be said to be the war that saved human diversity from tyranny and whatever form of liberty people had prior to the war; it certainly was not global liberty even prior to either of the World wars.

The human traits violence and deceit have been prevalent throughout humanity and in many other human species. The only remaining human species, homo sapiens, have taken this to new levels with organized conflicts, battles, and war.

Here's the list of the blood-soaked wars; people killing other people in armed conflict, and consequently killing innocent people.

The people that have worked on this material have done a great job in compiling and maintaining this information.

Kanghi Duta speaking of the near extermination of the Indigenous "Native American" population.


Floyd "Red Crow" Westerman (Aug 1936 - Dec 2007) Speaks of the near extermination of the Indigenous "Native American" population.

Humans tend to be selective about which historical events should be commemorated and which should be left in the past.

The further back we go in the story of human evolution and history, obtaining information becomes sketchier. There were periods of human history where there was no record-taking of anything. Things are discovered through archeological finds; putting all of this aside, there is no reason to believe that before 16650 BC things were any different, and based on humans conflicts today, we can say the probability of battles and in-fighting before 16650 BC was no different than today but happened on a smaller scale, with less efficient killing technology. Related link: Are Humans Inherently Violent? What an Ancient Battle Site Tells Us

People killing other people.

Outside of organized warfare. Individuals kill other people in various ways for various reasons. Asking the question again: Are Humans Inherently Violent? In places where guns are not easily accessible, other weapons are used. All the reasons for killing do not need listing; people are already aware of the reasons, but to mention most reasons revolve around possession, ownership, and race. Essentially individuals fighting for similar reasons to war between countries or multiple countries, but on a smaller scale. Related link: Are humans inherently violent?


How people were treated when thought to have done something wrong. List of methods of torture The specific purpose for torture varies and methods of torture used as punishment.

Capital punishment in ancient Rome

A list of ways in which ancient romans killed people as capital punishment. Related lnk:Roman Execution Methods and other ancient peoples used capital punishment, 10 Ancient Methods Of Capital Punishment

Capital punishment

In the modern age, humans in some countries still reserve the right to kill by way of capital punishment. Capital punishment by country and Global overview of capital punishment

The inner circle


In the present day, contention and disagreements between people can be seen in all types of relationships; many people have bitter arguments and fights with members of their own "family" or "friends", and the general public. Family and friends are spoken of as being the most compassionate of human relationships, but as mentioned in previous articles, they can also be the most viscous, with the common causes of fighting being right or wrong, ownership, possession, and responsibility. Fighting between "family" or "friends", and the general public are usually not physically violent, but can commonly take on a form of verbal violence. Family conflict situations are usually the most stressful because there is usually no choice for individuals to distance themselves from other family members. This creates a cycle of continuing tension accumulation that eventually results in mental health problems. Family disputes are more frequent than statistics indicate, but due to the nature of the connections it is mostly kept private.

We only need to look at people's backyards to see contention and conflict in nature, and there is no question that people are in contention and conflict with one another. Media outlets give you a daily account of the sick state of the world and, at the end, give you some kind of human interest story intended to amuse people. Perhaps it is for those who know their future will be prosperous, but regardless it is difficult to immediately change one's mood after receiving a flood of unpleasant news. For most, this is not the sentiment in 2023. Watching the news for a few minutes on any media outlet, people start feeling demoralized about their future, the future of the world, and feeling hopeless about humans ever living together peacefully; people generally try to block out this "negativity". What does it say when most people want to block it out? and keep choosing various forms of entertainment instead. It says people don't like human life outside the walls they live within, and this is mostly the sad state of the world that humans have created. Few can argue it's because of people's attitudes on life, especially in recent years.

Humans are subject to a variety of external influences from the moment they are born; these influences serve as their compass when they disagree with other people, groups of people, or their country of origin. When disagreements cannot be solved, they turn into conflicts of the type discussed above. The monetary system, which has made human relationships worse by adding another barrage of issues to the already contentious nature of humans.

Radix malorum est cupiditas


Humans killing other species

Trophy Hunting

Humans killing to collect and display dead animals. Related article: Trophy Hunting

Romans killing animals

The Romans killed animals as entertainment. Related article: Venatio

Animal cruelty

The various ways humans are cruel to animals:

Another example of the extent of human destruction:

“Humans Have Killed 83% of Wild Animals & Half of Plants: Study" Global Citizen - Full article. and The Guardian article Humans just 0.01% of all life but have destroyed 83% of wild mammals – study

The Guardian study is 5 years old as of 2023, and people can't help thinking about how much more annihilation has occurred in the subsequent years.

Humans must be taught to be good, as indicated in a previous article; it is not an intrinsic trait. Again, asking the question: Are Humans Inherently Violent? In this sense, violent refers to either physical or verbal violence; verbally violent is expressing hatred but falls short of being physically violent.

The modern human (homo sapiens): such a benefit to evolutionary chain?



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