knife-node(1) - The man page for the knife node subcommand.

knife-diff(1) - The man page for the knife diff subcommand.

knife-deps(1) - The man page for the knife deps subcommand.

knife-exec(1) - The man page for the knife exec subcommand.

knife-xargs(1) - The man page for the knife xargs subcommand.

knife-role(1) - The man page for the knife role subcommand.

knife-status(1) - The man page for the knife status subcommand.

knife-search(1) - The man page for the knife search subcommand.

knife-ssh(1) - The man page for the knife ssh subcommand.

knife-client(1) - The man page for the knife client subcommand.

knife-upload(1) - The man page for the knife upload subcommand.

knife-environment(1) - The man page for the knife environment subcommand.

knife-delete(1) - The man page for the knife delete subcommand.

knife-show(1) - The man page for the knife show subcommand.

knife-cookbook(1) - The man page for the knife cookbook subcommand.

chef-shell(1) - The man page for the chef-shell command line tool.

knife-recipe-list(1) - The man page for the knife recipe list subcommand.

knife-edit(1) - The man page for the knife edit subcommand.

knife-index-rebuild(1) - The man page for the knife index rebuild subcommand.

knife-ssl-check(1) - The man page for the knife ssl check subcommand.

knife-configure(1) - The man page for the knife configure subcommand.

knife-list(1) - The man page for the knife list subcommand.

knife-tag(1) - The man page for the knife tag subcommand.

knife-download(1) - The man page for the knife download subcommand.

knife-data-bag(1) - The man page for the knife data bag subcommand.

knife-serve(1) - The man page for the knife serve subcommand.

knife-ssl-fetch(1) - The man page for the knife ssl fetch subcommand.

knife-user(1) - The man page for the knife user subcommand.

ohai(1) - The man page for the ohai command line tool.

knife-cookbook-site(1) - The man page for the knife cookbook site subcommand.

knife-raw(1) - The man page for the knife raw subcommand.

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