How do i install azure command line tools?

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    Link: (command install)

    After you have setup your Azure account on the website, you can install azure command line utilities to manage your Azure cloud platform.

    First you need to install Node.js and npm. Node.js is a javascript runtime server, essentially an advanced development tool. See link: npm is a javascript package manager.

    There are three methods to install the command line tools.

    1. Use npm
    2. Use Windows MSI or Mac installer
    3. Use within a docker container.

    To install under linux:

    $ sudo npm install -g azure-cli

    To view all the options:

    $ azure help

    To install the docker container:

    $ docker run -it microsoft/azure-cli

    Enable bash command line completion:

    $ azure --completion >> ~/
    $ echo 'source ~/' >> ~/.bash_profile

    To upgrade the tools:

    $ sudo npm update -g azure-cli

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