How do i use lists in python?

  • A list is like a shopping list you make when you go shopping.

    Create a list. The count starts from zero.

    >>> fruits = [ "bannanas", "coconuts", "pineapple"]

    Print the first element (first entry) in the list.

    >>> print(fruits[0])

    Print the second element in the list.

    >>> print(fruits[1])

    Change the value of an element in the list. Here we change the second item in the list from coconuts to melons.

    >>> fruits[1] = "melons"
    >>> print(fruits)
    ['bannanas', 'melons', 'pineapple']

    Print the number of items in our list.

    >>> length = len(fruits)
    >>> print(length)

    Add another item to the list.

    >>> fruits.append("figs")
    >>> print(fruits)
    ['bannanas', 'melons', 'pineapple', 'figs']

    Insert another item into the list in a specific place.

    >>> fruits.insert(2, "coconuts")
    >>> print(fruits)
    ['bannanas', 'melons', 'coconuts', 'pineapple', 'figs']

    Print the index number of the item.

    >>> mybestfruit = fruits.index("melons")
    >>> print(mybestfruit)

    Remove the last item from a list.

    >>> print(fruits)
    ['bannanas', 'melons', 'coconuts', 'pineapple']
    >>> fruits.pop()
    >>> print(fruits)
    ['bannanas', 'melons', 'coconuts']

    Sort a list alphabetically.
    Print the current order of the list.

    >>> print(fruits)
    ['bannanas', 'melons', 'coconuts']

    Order after running the sort method.

    >>> fruits.sort()
    >>> print(fruits)
    ['bannanas', 'coconuts', 'melons']

    Let's remove coconuts from the list.

    >>> fruits.remove("coconuts")
    >>> print(fruits)
    ['bannanas', 'melons']

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