How do i run a containers in ecs cluster?

  • This assumes you have followed: first.

    First a role has to be created to decide what ECS can do, a ECS Task Execution Role.

    Create a file and put the following code into it. Filename: task_execution_role.json

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Sid": "",
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Principal": {
            "Service": ""
          "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

    Create the role from the file above.

    $ aws iam --region us-east-1 create-role --role-name ecsExecutionRole --assume-role-policy-document file://task_execution_role.json

    Attach the task execution

    $ aws iam --region us-east-1 attach-role-policy --role-name ecsExecutionRole --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy 

    Create a security group. Using the vpc id from the ECS cluster creation.

    $ aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name "wordpress" --description "Wordpress fronend" --vpc-id "VPC_ID"

    Allow port 80 in from anywhere on the security group, from anywhere only used here as example, restrict to your cidr range. Use the security group id from previous command.

    $ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id "sg-xxxxx" --protocol tcp --port 80 --cidr

    There are two things you need to run containers in ECS. A ECS parameter file and a docker compose file, only version 1 & 2 of docker compose file are support with ECS.

    The ECS parameter file, ecs-param.yml, defines the iam role, memory, cpu limit, network & security information.

    version: 1
      task_execution_role: ecsExecutionRole
      ecs_network_mode: awsvpc
        mem_limit: 0.5GB
        cpu_limit: 256
            - "subnet-x"
            - "subnet-x"
            - "security group ID-x"
          assign_public_ip: ENABLED

    The docker-compose.yml file. This defines your container
    The assign_public_ip and task_size parameters are only valid for a Fargate task. This task definition will fail if the launch type is changed to EC2.

    version: '2'
        image: wordpress
          - "80:80"
          driver: awslogs
            awslogs-group: tutorial
            awslogs-region: us-east-1
            awslogs-stream-prefix: wordpress

    Deploy the container. The two files above have to be in the same directory if specific ecs-cli option location are not specified.

    $ ecs-cli compose --project-name ecs_frontend service up --create-log-groups --cluster-config ecs_frontend_config
    INFO[0000] Using ECS task definition                     TaskDefinition="ecs_frontend:1"
    WARN[0000] Failed to create log group tutorial in eu-west-1: The specified log group already exists 
    INFO[0000] Created an ECS service                        service=ecs_frontend taskDefinition="ecs_frontend:1"
    INFO[0001] Created log group tutorial in eu-west-1
    INFO[0001] Updated ECS service successfully              desiredCount=1 serviceName=ecs_frontend
    INFO[0016] (service ecs_frontend) has started 1 tasks: (task 21abdcdd-2622-4b82-b3e2-bafeb221e95d).  timestamp="2018-05-12 15:53:57 +0000 UTC"
    INFO[0076] Service status                                desiredCount=1 runningCount=1 serviceName=ecs_frontend
    INFO[0076] (service ecs_frontend) has reached a steady state.  timestamp="2018-05-12 15:54:57 +0000 UTC"
    INFO[0076] ECS Service has reached a stable state        desiredCount=1 runningCount=1 serviceName=ecs_frontend

    Check the container is running.

    $ ecs-cli compose --project-name ecs_frontend service ps --cluster-config ecs_frontend_config                    
    Name                                            State    Ports                    TaskDefinition
    21abdcdd-2622-4b82-b3e2-bafeb221e95d/wordpress  RUNNING>80/tcp  ecs_frontend:1

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