How do i revoke an chef server invite to user using knife raw command?

  • If you accidentally sent a invite to your chef server organisation, you can revoke it using the knife raw command.

    List the association requests.

    $ knife raw 'association_requests' -s https://goodchefgrub/organizations/acmeeggs
        "id": "89d7da3d454534dsfdgssf0fce324e286aae0a",
        "username": "trainer"

    Make a note of the id, and run this command.

    knife raw -m DELETE 'association_requests/89d7da3d454534dsfdgssf0fce324e286aae0a' -s https://goodchefgrub/organizations/acmeeggs
      "id": "89d7da3d454534dsfdgssf0fce324e286aae0a",
      "orgname": "goodchefgrub",
      "username": "trainer",
      "organization": {
        "deprecated": true,
        "name": "goodchefgrub"
      "user": "deprecated",
      "organization_admin_actor_id": "deprecated"

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