How do i display a cloudformation template using the aws cli?

  • Documentation note relating to this article:

           --template-stage (string)
              For  templates  that  include  transforms, the stage of the template
              that AWS CloudFormation returns. To get the user-submitted template,
              specify  Original . To get the template after AWS CloudFormation has
              processed all transforms, specify Processed .
              If the template doesn't include transforms, Original  and  Processed
              return  the  same template. By default, AWS CloudFormation specifies
              Original .
              Possible values:
              o Original
              o Processed

    To display your cloudformation template use this command:

    $ aws cloudformation get-template --stack-name stack1
        "StagesAvailable": [
        "TemplateBody": {
            "Resources": {
                "HelloBucket": {
                    "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket"

    The documentation note was to explain the stages, original and processed.

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