What are the difference aws cloudformation states?

  • Link to AWS cloudformation documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-describing-stacks.html

    Stack Status Description
    CREATE_COMPLETE Successful creation of one or more stacks.
    CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Ongoing creation of one or more stacks.
    CREATE_FAILED Unsuccessful creation of one or more stacks. View the stack events to see any associated error messages. Possible reasons for a failed creation include insufficient permissions to work with all resources in the stack, parameter values rejected by an AWS service, or a timeout during resource creation.
    DELETE_COMPLETE Successful deletion of one or more stacks. Deleted stacks are retained and viewable for 90 days.
    DELETE_FAILED Unsuccessful deletion of one or more stacks. Because the delete failed, you might have some resources that are still running; however, you cannot work with or update the stack. Delete the stack again or view the stack events to see any associated error messages.
    DELETE_IN_PROGRESS Ongoing removal of one or more stacks.
    REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS Ongoing creation of one or more stacks with an expected StackId but without any templates or resources. Important A stack with this status code counts against the maximum possible number of stacks.
    ROLLBACK_COMPLETE Successful removal of one or more stacks after a failed stack creation or after an explicitly canceled stack creation. Any resources that were created during the create stack action are deleted. This status exists only after a failed stack creation. It signifies that all operations from the partially created stack have been appropriately cleaned up. When in this state, only a delete operation can be performed.
    ROLLBACK_FAILED Unsuccessful removal of one or more stacks after a failed stack creation or after an explicitly canceled stack creation. Delete the stack or view the stack events to see any associated error messages.
    ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS Ongoing removal of one or more stacks after a failed stack creation or after an explicitly cancelled stack creation.
    UPDATE_COMPLETE Successful update of one or more stacks.
    UPDATE_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS Ongoing removal of old resources for one or more stacks after a successful stack update. For stack updates that require resources to be replaced, AWS CloudFormation creates the new resources first and then deletes the old resources to help reduce any interruptions with your stack. In this state, the stack has been updated and is usable, but AWS CloudFormation is still deleting the old resources.
    UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS Ongoing update of one or more stacks.
    UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE Successful return of one or more stacks to a previous working state after a failed stack update.
    UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS Ongoing removal of new resources for one or more stacks after a failed stack update. In this state, the stack has been rolled back to its previous working state and is usable, but AWS CloudFormation is still deleting any new resources it created during the stack update.
    UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED Unsuccessful return of one or more stacks to a previous working state after a failed stack update. When in this state, you can delete the stack or continue rollback. You might need to fix errors before your stack can return to a working state. Or, you can contact customer support to restore the stack to a usable state.
    UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS Ongoing return of one or more stacks to the previous working state after failed stack update.

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