How do i search the docker hub registry from the cli?

  • Man page for docker search

    To perform a general search for a container on docker hub. Many listings usually.

    $ docker search busybox
    NAME                        DESCRIPTION                                     STARS               OFFICIAL            AUTOMATED
    busybox                     Busybox base image.                             1135                [OK]                
    progrium/busybox                                                            66                                      [OK]
    hypriot/rpi-busybox-httpd   Raspberry Pi compatible Docker Image with ...   38                                      
    radial/busyboxplus          Full-chain, Internet enabled, busybox made...   15                                      [OK]

    To search limited to 10 listings.

    $ docker search busybox --limit=10

    To search just the official images.

    $ docker search busybox --filter is-official=true
    NAME                DESCRIPTION           STARS               OFFICIAL            AUTOMATED
    busybox             Busybox base image.   1135                [OK]                

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