terraform apply --help

  • Check for updates to the options: https://www.terraform.io/docs/commands/index.html

    Usage: terraform apply [options] [DIR-OR-PLAN]
      Builds or changes infrastructure according to Terraform configuration
      files in DIR.
      By default, apply scans the current directory for the configuration
      and applies the changes appropriately. However, a path to another
      configuration or an execution plan can be provided. Execution plans can be
      used to only execute a pre-determined set of actions.
      DIR can also be a SOURCE as given to the "init" command. In this case,
      apply behaves as though "init" was called followed by "apply". This only
      works for sources that aren't files, and only if the current working
      directory is empty of Terraform files. This is a shortcut for getting
      -backup=path           Path to backup the existing state file before
                             modifying. Defaults to the "-state-out" path with
                             ".backup" extension. Set to "-" to disable backup.
      -lock=true             Lock the state file when locking is supported.
      -lock-timeout=0s       Duration to retry a state lock.
      -auto-approve=true     Skip interactive approval of plan before applying. In a
                             future version of Terraform, this flag's default value
                             will change to false.
      -input=true            Ask for input for variables if not directly set.
      -no-color              If specified, output won't contain any color.
      -parallelism=n         Limit the number of parallel resource operations.
                             Defaults to 10.
      -refresh=true          Update state prior to checking for differences. This
                             has no effect if a plan file is given to apply.
      -state=path            Path to read and save state (unless state-out
                             is specified). Defaults to "terraform.tfstate".
      -state-out=path        Path to write state to that is different than
                             "-state". This can be used to preserve the old
      -target=resource       Resource to target. Operation will be limited to this
                             resource and its dependencies. This flag can be used
                             multiple times.
      -var 'foo=bar'         Set a variable in the Terraform configuration. This
                             flag can be set multiple times.
      -var-file=foo          Set variables in the Terraform configuration from
                             a file. If "terraform.tfvars" or any ".auto.tfvars"
                             files are present, they will be automatically loaded.

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