terraform untaint --help

  • Check for updates to the options: https://www.terraform.io/docs/commands/index.html

    Usage: terraform untaint [options] name
      Manually unmark a resource as tainted, restoring it as the primary
      instance in the state.  This reverses either a manual 'terraform taint'
      or the result of provisioners failing on a resource.
      This will not modify your infrastructure. This command changes your
      state to unmark a resource as tainted.  This command can be undone by
      reverting the state backup file that is created, or by running
      'terraform taint' on the resource.
      -allow-missing      If specified, the command will succeed (exit code 0)
                          even if the resource is missing.
      -backup=path        Path to backup the existing state file before
                          modifying. Defaults to the "-state-out" path with
                          ".backup" extension. Set to "-" to disable backup.
      -lock=true          Lock the state file when locking is supported.
      -lock-timeout=0s    Duration to retry a state lock.
      -module=path        The module path where the resource lives. By
                          default this will be root. Child modules can be specified
                          by names. Ex. "consul" or "consul.vpc" (nested modules).
      -no-color           If specified, output won't contain any color.
      -state=path         Path to read and save state (unless state-out
                          is specified). Defaults to "terraform.tfstate".
      -state-out=path     Path to write updated state file. By default, the
                          "-state" path will be used.

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