AWS container cli - ecs-cli -h

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    $ ecs-cli -h
       ecs-cli - Command line interface for Amazon ECS
       ecs-cli [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
       0.6.4 (5b0fd9c)
       Amazon Web Services
         configure  Configures your AWS credentials, the AWS region to use, and the ECS cluster name to use with the Amazon ECS CLI. The resulting configuration is stored in the ~/.ecs/config file.
         up         Creates the ECS cluster (if it does not already exist) and the AWS resources required to set up the cluster.
         down       Deletes the CloudFormation stack that was created by ecs-cli up and the associated resources. The --force option is required.
         scale      Modifies the number of container instances in your cluster. This command changes the desired and maximum instance count in the Auto Scaling group created by the ecs-cli up command. You can use this command to scale up (increase the number of instances) or scale down (decrease the number of instances) your cluster.
         ps         Lists all of the running containers in your ECS cluster
         push       Push an image to an Amazon ECR repository.
         pull       Pull an image from an Amazon ECR repository.
         images     List images an Amazon ECR repository.
         license    Prints the LICENSE files for the ECS CLI and its dependencies.
         compose    Executes docker-compose-style commands on an ECS cluster.
         help, h    Shows a list of commands or help for one command
       --help, -h     show help
       --version, -v  print the version

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