How do i configure the network using command line utilities outside networkmanager?

  • ip man page:

    The command ip replaces the ifconfig in later linux versions, the ifconfig does not support the Infiniband addresses. ip works alongside NetworkManager, if you configure interfaces with ip, NetworkManager will recognise them.

    The ip command does not make persistent changes. For this you still have to edit the ifcfg-* files. In this respect it is the same as ifconfig.

    To show the network connections.

    $ ip link

    To show network ip addresses.

    $ ip addr

    Just typing ip will show you all the options.

    $ ip
    Usage: ip [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }
           ip [ -force ] -batch filename
    where  OBJECT := { link | address | addrlabel | route | rule | neigh | ntable |
                       tunnel | tuntap | maddress | mroute | mrule | monitor | xfrm |
                       netns | l2tp | macsec | tcp_metrics | token }
           OPTIONS := { -V[ersion] | -s[tatistics] | -d[etails] | -r[esolve] |
                        -h[uman-readable] | -iec |
                        -f[amily] { inet | inet6 | ipx | dnet | bridge | link } |
                        -4 | -6 | -I | -D | -B | -0 |
                        -l[oops] { maximum-addr-flush-attempts } |
                        -o[neline] | -t[imestamp] | -ts[hort] | -b[atch] [filename] |
                        -rc[vbuf] [size] | -n[etns] name | -a[ll] }

    For further help on an object, use help after the object.

    $ ip addr help
    Usage: ip address {add|change|replace} IFADDR dev IFNAME [ LIFETIME ]
                                                          [ CONFFLAG-LIST ]
           ip address del IFADDR dev IFNAME [mngtmpaddr]
           ip address {save|flush} [ dev IFNAME ] [ scope SCOPE-ID ]
                                [ to PREFIX ] [ FLAG-LIST ] [ label LABEL ] [up]
           ip address [ show [ dev IFNAME ] [ scope SCOPE-ID ] [ master DEVICE ]
                             [ type TYPE ] [ to PREFIX ] [ FLAG-LIST ]
                             [ label LABEL ] [up] ]
           ip address {showdump|restore}
              [ broadcast ADDR ] [ anycast ADDR ]
              [ label IFNAME ] [ scope SCOPE-ID ]
    SCOPE-ID := [ host | link | global | NUMBER ]
    FLAG  := [ permanent | dynamic | secondary | primary |
               [-]tentative | [-]deprecated | [-]dadfailed | temporary |
               CONFFLAG-LIST ]
    CONFFLAG  := [ home | nodad | mngtmpaddr | noprefixroute | autojoin ]
    LIFETIME := [ valid_lft LFT ] [ preferred_lft LFT ]
    LFT := forever | SECONDS
    TYPE := { vlan | veth | vcan | dummy | ifb | macvlan | macvtap |
              bridge | bond | ipoib | ip6tnl | ipip | sit | vxlan |
              gre | gretap | ip6gre | ip6gretap | vti | nlmon |
              bond_slave | ipvlan | geneve | bridge_slave | vrf | macsec }

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