How do i manage networkmanager using the cli on redhat?

  • Managing the NetworkManager using the cli is done via the nmcli command. It is preferred that one of the NetworkManager method is used to make changes instead of going into the files to make changes to the network configuration.

    nmcli man page:

    Display information on all interfaces.

    $ nmcli

    Display nmcli help.

    # nmcli help
    Usage: nmcli [OPTIONS] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }
      -t[erse]                                   terse output
      -p[retty]                                  pretty output
      -m[ode] tabular|multiline                  output mode
      -c[olors] auto|yes|no                      whether to use colors in output
      -f[ields] <field1,field2,...>|all|common   specify fields to output
      -e[scape] yes|no                           escape columns separators in values
      -a[sk]                                     ask for missing parameters
      -s[how-secrets]                            allow displaying passwords
      -w[ait] <seconds>                          set timeout waiting for finishing operations
      -v[ersion]                                 show program version
      -h[elp]                                    print this help
      g[eneral]       NetworkManager's general status and operations
      n[etworking]    overall networking control
      r[adio]         NetworkManager radio switches
      c[onnection]    NetworkManager's connections
      d[evice]        devices managed by NetworkManager
      a[gent]         NetworkManager secret agent or polkit agent
      m[onitor]       monitor NetworkManager changes

    The help above shows the different sections (OBJECTS) that nmcli can be used for, the object can be abbreviated by using the first letter

    For example, to abbreviated general.

    $ nmcli g status

    To obtain help on the objects.

    # nmcli g help
    Usage: nmcli general { COMMAND | help }
    COMMAND := { status | hostname | permissions | logging }
      hostname [<hostname>]
      logging [level <log level>] [domains <log domains>]

    The help for connection object. The connection object has many sub-commands. A lot can be done with this sub-command.

    # nmcli c help
    Usage: nmcli connection { COMMAND | help }
    COMMAND := { show | up | down | add | modify | clone | edit | delete | monitor | reload | load | import | export }
      show [--active] [--order <order spec>]
      show [--active] [id | uuid | path | apath] <ID> ...
      up [[id | uuid | path] <ID>] [ifname <ifname>] [ap <BSSID>] [passwd-file <file with passwords>]
      down [id | uuid | path | apath] <ID> ...
      add COMMON_OPTIONS TYPE_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS SLAVE_OPTIONS IP_OPTIONS [-- ([+|-]<setting>.<property> <value>)+]
      modify [--temporary] [id | uuid | path] <ID> ([+|-]<setting>.<property> <value>)+
      clone [--temporary] [id | uuid | path ] <ID> <new name>
      edit [id | uuid | path] <ID>
      edit [type <new_con_type>] [con-name <new_con_name>]
      delete [id | uuid | path] <ID>
      monitor [id | uuid | path] <ID> ...
      load <filename> [ <filename>... ]
      import [--temporary] type <type> file <file to import>
      export [id | uuid | path] <ID> [<output file>]

    Show connections. c for connections

    $ nmcli c
    NAME    UUID                                  TYPE            DEVICE 
    eth0    4c567f95-a3b9-44c3-9fbd-da8fb60e2350  802-3-ethernet  eth0   
    virbr0  ebdcd14b-c3ca-4f7c-b012-172845db0e32  bridge          virbr0 
    vnet0   ac66314a-6436-4477-b681-ff1afd2d234a  tun             vnet0  

    Get more specific information on interfaces. d for devices.

    $ nmcli d show virbr0
    GENERAL.DEVICE:                         virbr0
    GENERAL.TYPE:                           bridge
    GENERAL.HWADDR:                         52:65:00:A9:x9:A1
    GENERAL.MTU:                            1500
    GENERAL.STATE:                          100 (connected)
    GENERAL.CONNECTION:                     virbr0
    GENERAL.CON-PATH:                       /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/1
    IP4.ADDRESS[1]:                         192.168.1220.1/24

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