How do i show details of a kvm virtual machine?

  • KVM calls the host system running kvm modules & related software, Domain-0, all other guests running on the Domain-0 are referred to as domains, but will have domain id's 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.. In this context the domains 1, 2, 3, 4.. and so on are guest virtual machines.

    To show the details for a kvm vm

    # virsh dominfo Cirros
    Id:             1
    Name:           Cirros
    UUID:           9d007243-6d76-40e4-9b60-b0fb07926204
    OS Type:        hvm
    State:          running
    CPU(s):         1
    CPU time:       72.4s
    Max memory:     1047552 KiB
    Used memory:    1047552 KiB
    Persistent:     yes
    Autostart:      disable
    Managed save:   no
    Security model: selinux
    Security DOI:   0
    Security label: system_u:system_r:svirt_t:s0:c703,c998 (enforcing)

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