az dms --help Manage Azure Data Migration Service (DMS) instances.

  • Group
        az dms : Manage Azure Data Migration Service (DMS) instances.
        project      : Manage Projects for an instance of the Data Migration Service.
        check-name   : Check if a given DMS instance name is available in a given region as well as the
                       name's validity.
        check-status : Perform a health check and return the status of the service and virtual machine
        create       : Create an instance of the Data Migration Service.
        delete       : Delete an instance of the Data Migration Service.
        list         : List the DMS instances within your currently configured subscription (to set this
                       use "az account set"). If provided, only show the instances within a given
                       resource group.
        list-skus    : List the SKUs that are supported by the Data Migration Service.
        show         : Show the details for an instance of the Data Migration Service.
        start        : Start an instance of the Data Migration Service. It can then be used to run data
        stop         : Stop an instance of the Data Migration Service. While stopped, it can't be used
                       to run data migrations and the owner won't be billed.
        wait         : Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition of the DMS instance is met.

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