What is the difference between vmware and bare metal servers?

  • Bare Metal Servers.

    The diagram below shows what traditionally made up bare metal servers.

    • We purchased a number of servers.
    • Installed an OS on the servers.
    • Installed application(s) on the OS.


    This arrangement is still used but making use of automation software.


    VMware moved away from this single server, single application deployment. where in many cases some servers were heavily used and some were under utilised, and hence wasting valuable server resources.

    VMware makes efficient use of resources, allows you to run multiple OS'es on one physical server, provides high availability, and ease of maintenance. The diagram show just one ESXi server but usually there are clusters of ESXi servers.The purpose of the diagram is to mention the Hypervisor ESXi and how it enables you to run multiple virtual machines on one physical server.


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