pip uninstall - Uninstall packages.

  • Usage:   
      pip uninstall [options] <package> ...
      pip uninstall [options] -r <requirements file> ...
      Uninstall packages.
      pip is able to uninstall most installed packages. Known exceptions are:
      - Pure distutils packages installed with ``python setup.py install``, which
        leave behind no metadata to determine what files were installed.
      - Script wrappers installed by ``python setup.py develop``.
    Uninstall Options:
      -r, --requirement <file>    Uninstall all the packages listed in the given
                                  requirements file.  This option can be used
                                  multiple times.
      -y, --yes                   Don't ask for confirmation of uninstall
    General Options:
      -h, --help                  Show help.
      --isolated                  Run pip in an isolated mode, ignoring
                                  environment variables and user configuration.
      -v, --verbose               Give more output. Option is additive, and can be
                                  used up to 3 times.
      -V, --version               Show version and exit.
      -q, --quiet                 Give less output. Option is additive, and can be
                                  used up to 3 times (corresponding to WARNING,
                                  ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels).
      --log <path>                Path to a verbose appending log.
      --proxy <proxy>             Specify a proxy in the form
      --retries <retries>         Maximum number of retries each connection should
                                  attempt (default 5 times).
      --timeout <sec>             Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds).
      --exists-action <action>    Default action when a path already exists:
                                  (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup, (a)bort.
      --trusted-host <hostname>   Mark this host as trusted, even though it does
                                  not have valid or any HTTPS.
      --cert <path>               Path to alternate CA bundle.
      --client-cert <path>        Path to SSL client certificate, a single file
                                  containing the private key and the certificate
                                  in PEM format.
      --cache-dir <dir>           Store the cache data in <dir>.
      --no-cache-dir              Disable the cache.
                                  Don't periodically check PyPI to determine
                                  whether a new version of pip is available for
                                  download. Implied with --no-index.

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