
  • $ chef 
        chef -h/--help
        chef -v/--version
        chef command [arguments...] [options...]
    Available Commands:
        exec                    Runs the command in context of the embedded ruby
        env                     Prints environment variables used by ChefDK
        gem                     Runs the `gem` command in context of the embedded ruby
        generate                Generate a new app, cookbook, or component
        shell-init              Initialize your shell to use ChefDK as your primary ruby
        install                 Install cookbooks from a Policyfile and generate a locked cookbook set
        update                  Updates a Policyfile.lock.json with latest run_list and cookbooks
        push                    Push a local policy lock to a policy group on the server
        push-archive            Push a policy archive to a policy group on the server
        show-policy             Show policyfile objects on your Chef Server
        diff                    Generate an itemized diff of two Policyfile lock documents
        provision               Provision VMs and clusters via cookbook
        export                  Export a policy lock as a Chef Zero code repo
        clean-policy-revisions  Delete unused policy revisions on the server
        clean-policy-cookbooks  Delete unused policyfile cookbooks on the server
        delete-policy-group     Delete a policy group on the server
        delete-policy           Delete all revisions of a policy on the server
        undelete                Undo a delete command
        verify                  Test the embedded ChefDK applications

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